Eco Green Printing and Your Company
If your company is like most, then you are probably actively seeking business products that address growing environmental concerns. Customers, after all, vote with their wallets, saving the planet has become as much a popular cause as humane treatment of animals! Most companies see the value in practicing earth conscious policies, as many can save money or increase cash flow. The most common policies include increasing fluorescent light use over traditional lighting, regulating office or business temperatures, and providing recycle bins in the business environment. Adding eco — green printing to this list is definitely a viable option, for both small and large businesses.
As a part of effective man hour management, ordering as many products as possible and having them delivered is a financially prudent strategy. Abet Disc is one of several online companies that offer nationwide free shipping. Many of these companies require a rather large minimum order, which can be impractical for small businesses and businesses with limited office product budgets. For the average company, however, these services are very practical. The company mentioned in this article has small quantities available at competitive prices, and offers eco-green offset printing of brochures, envelopes and catalogs as well as business cards.
For those who are unfamiliar with this recent trend in printing, eco-green printing uses soy based inks rather than petroleum based inks. The card stock itself is generally made of recycled materials as well, and the 16 pt. card stock is the preferred choice for both professional appearance and quality of material. Soy based inks are environmentally friendly because they are made from sustainable resources, and are biodegradable. Soy based inks are now used for color advertisements in over 90% of newspapers as of 2010, according to industry studies. Soy based inks also provide more vibrant colors, can be produced inexpensively, and last longer than oil based inks. For these reasons and more, eco-green inks are a very good choice for professionally produced office supplies.
Not all printing companies are alike, however. When you research purchasing reliable pro-earth products, be sure to check for nationwide shipping and product guarantees. A 100% guarantee is very important when using a new company for your business cards or catalogs, as mistakes can be very costly. Shipping speed is important too, because sooner or later you will need something in 2-4 days as opposed to next month. Going with a company that provides customer reviews, offers a preview option for your materials, and has an active updated company blog is generally a good idea.
Yes, eco-green business products may be more expensive on the surface, but when the actual cost in supplies, fuel and man hours is examined, it is more cost effective to outsource your printing, especially when dealing with an online business, as you can order easily and securely without leaving your office. If you need more than 100 business cards, or 45 brochures or 20 catalogs (8 page or more) per month, then you will save money by outsourcing.
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