
DVD Cover Art Design

“Abet Design has got to be one of the best all around graphic design houses operating in the entertainment industry today. Their sensitivity and attention to subject matter and design as it relates to sound are outstanding and a bargain at any price.” –John

Government Shutdown Specials

Government Shutdown Special

Abet Disc is here to help ease off the difficult times!

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Graphic Design

Coupon Code: ZA782TWCE1BPY
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DVD Authoring

Coupon Code: DA782TXEY1BPA
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Audio Mastering

Coupon Code: AM792HBQ1AM
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Expiration Date 10/31/2013

Understanding Artwork Graphic Design Templates


Template Guidelines

Safety lines are for safeguarding text and graphics that aren’t intended to be trimmed.

Keep in mind that due to the mechanical tolerances in printing, the actual trim can occur anyplace in between the bleed and the safety lines. This is the reason why it is very important to keep your text and graphics inside the safety lines.

It is good practice to keep all text or graphics that aren’t intended to be trimmed off a minimum of .25″ from the cut line.

Safety areas typically range from .0625″ (1/16″) to .25″ (1/4″).

Bleed must extend to Bleed line, further than the Cut line. Using our templates can help visualize this. Please keep all text and anything you do not want cut inside the Safety line.



“Thanks, got the CD’s on Thursday just in time.  They look great as usual.  Everyone was super stoked.” -Matt


How to submitting color accurate artwork

If you utilize software program such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign or QuarkXpress that supports color management via ICC profiles, you should use the ‘North America General Purpose Defaults’ profile. This will help you to preview on-screen a far more accurate version of what will be printed.

Work completely in CMYK color mode and ensure that the image file is tagged with the CMYK working space profile. Our prepress team utilize a color management system, that will be able to make use of your file’s color profile to produce an accurate film and printing plates.

In case you are working in RGB color mode before you complete editing your image convert the image to CMYK color mode and make any additional color and tonal corrections. Specifically examine the highlights and dark areas in the image. Use Levels, Curves, or Hue/Saturation to make corrections. These corrections ought to be very minimal. Flatten layers and save the file in PDF format using the “High Quality Print” preset..

If you happen to be creating a grayscale or spot color job, use the ‘20% Gain’ selection in software when fine-tuning grayscale or duotone images.

See below a screen shot of the color settings panel in Adobe PhotoShop with the above mentioned changes.

Color Settings

Converting Text to Outlines

When utilizing Adobe Illustrator the best way to/and when to convert fonts/text to outlines for print-ready vector artwork is important knowledge. Fonts could potentially cause issues when submitting artwork to print. If you’ve utilized a typeface that we don’t have, the file will print inaccurately. For this reason you’ll see that typefaces inside most vector company logos that contains word/text will have been changed to outlines, or paths. This means that the text is no longer font – it’s become a vector graphic, and the text/font can’t be changed.

It’s sound practice to maintain an editable backup of your file as an AI document before you decide to convert text/font to outlines and save the document as an Illustrator EPS document. This is to ensure that you are able to go back and modify it later.

To convert text/fonts to outlines, go Select/Select All. It doesn’t matter if other image components are selected. Select Type/Create Outlines from the menu. The text/font will end up outlined and can’t be modified as text/font. Now, basically, the line underneath the text has vanished. The text character types now have editable paths/outlines, all around them – they are no longer fonts, but vector graphics, and could be modified as such.

Convert fonts/text to Outlines



My client is thrilled with the finished DVDs. His content can compete with the networks efforts and hopefully will secure him an EMMY nomination. Thanks ABETDISC. – Dave Manship, EditPlus

Printing Tent Cards

Printing Tent Card

Description: This product ships unfolded. Tent cards can be customized to meet all occasions. Promotional discounts to send to existing and potential customers, or personalized greeting card for holidays, birthdays, or just to say “thanks”. And Tent card are perfect fit for special events, announcements and invitations!

More info.

Audio Mastering Sample

For best results, please listen to this demo video in your studio environment, or on high quality headphones in HD.

Abet Disc precision mastering by seasoned engineer, using top of the line tools, ideal for high quality audio mastering for music CD, movie and live concert performance DVD.

A short list of audio mastering tools:

Spectral multiband complex dynamic range with Compression and Expansion for each of the five bands with two filterbank for precise linear-phase gain control for more “analog’ sound. High quality stereo and dual mono four-band classic parametric Equalizer, to preserve the greatest sonic detail and ensure a minimum of artifacts in the upper frequency range up-sampled to 192kHz. with high-pass analog mastering filters with far-reaching 18 dB per octave. Both channels of the Equalizer feature four bands of filtering grouped in two overlapping pairs: Two for low frequencies, two for high frequencies. A +/- 8 dB shelving or peak/notch filter is available for each band with five peak/notch responses per band with .5 dB stepped gain and stepped frequency. Colorless, transparent single-band, look-ahead brick-wall mastering limiter with 100% attack within a 1.5ms look-ahead window, which prevents clipping, and guarantees zero overshoot performance. Both the attack and release curves are optimized for professional mastering, which minimizes aliasing.

> Audio Mastering, more info.

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