The Importance of an Eye Catching DVD Cover Design
As a performer, you, no doubt, have a natural desire to share your talents with the world and, you have chosen to do this through the creation of your own CD or DVD, spending months and months perfecting it — through blood, sweat and (yes!) some tears and, in the process, giving a huge part of yourself over to this labor of love. However, while you may very well think that the hard work is now done, in reality, you are only halfway through this project.
Let’s face it —many people are visually oriented, in fact, catching the consumer’s “eye’ is one of the most “central “themes in marketing and advertising. Millions are spent each year on assessing and studying the importance of “packaging’ which means that, not only does the quality of your product have to be amazing, but the cover design also has to rock – no easy task.
Now, the challenge is to create a DVD or CD cover design that will not only represent you, as the artist, but to construct a cover that will also clearly speak to the message that you have been working so hard to spread, through your own artistic talents.
If you are lucky enough to possess graphic design or visual art experience, then, you truly do understand just how powerful and vital the “perfect’ cover design is — however, if you are like the vast majority of us, you, you know very little about these types of things and are in need of some help.
Fortunately, finding a professional, such as graphic designer, to conceptualize and create a DVD or CD cover that will perfectly fit the vision you have for your product is the way to go and is incredibly easy. Graphic designers, for the most part, combine a natural gift — an “eye’ for design, with years of education and hands on experience. They can create, out of nothing, the most amazing designs, that will simply blow your mind.
So, do yourself a huge favor and spend some quality money and time working with a graphic designer. The packaging of your product is NOT the place where you want to try to “save’ a few pennies — in fact it should be one of the areas where you choose to invest the most. However, if money is a consideration (and it usually is), you may want to follow a few guidelines before hiring a design artist.
- Prepare a basic vision of what you would like to see as a “base’ design. This way, the artist can have something to start with;
- Be clear about the message you want your CD or DVD to send;
- Ask the designer to spend some time discovering your CD or DVD — and then ask them for their own input;
- Be realistic about what can and cannot be done. You might want to add suggestions, but, in the end, the designer is the professional who is recognized in the field — so it might very well pay to listen to his/her suggestions.
You have given, so much of yourself, to make sure that the CD or DVD truly represents you, why not make sure that the end results speak volumes about you and your own artistic talents.